From Writhe’s journal:

Well, I stopped in Zurich for about 45 minutes. I was looking to purchase a small map of Germany in the shops at the train station. I only found large ones and didn’t want to pay as much as they were charging. I went searching outside the station and found a bookstore where I decided to purchase a Let’s Go! guide. I sat in a park and flipped through the book. Looks like I need to go through Basel. Zurich seemed quite hip. The city was having a show of cows. Each sculpture was painted differently with things attached to them or even on the inside. Space Cow! I ran into the girl I was supposed to be travelling with. She was getting off the train that I was getting on to Basel. She said that she had stayed in the Gardens at Geneva too long and missed the train.
I didn’t take it personally. Look, we were going to the same place and it seemed like we got along when we were talking back at the hostel. You don’t have to make up stories or lie to me if you don’t want to travel to our next destination together. Just say so.
Ah, I don’t know. Maybe women have to do that sort of thing with guys that they don’t know. It sucks, but I guess I understand.