From Writhe’s journal:

I had made a reservation at one hostel before I arrived in Köln and then cancelled it once I found another hostel that was less expensive. I hung out in my room for a while. I lent my Let’s Go Guide to a German guy and waited to leave until he was done looking through it. I took a train to Zulpicher Platz and went to a restaurant, I think it was called Cafe Rendezvous, and ate spaghetti and the city beer “kölsch” while watching what I think was two people breaking up at the table across from me. I walked all the way back to the hostel and was compelled to take a lot of photographs, but didn’t. Seeing that break up must have really affected me more than I thought. Got back to the hostel and went to bed early.
Woke up at 7am, ate breakfast at the hostel and reserved a bed for another night. Had to switch rooms. After visiting the cathedral, I retraced my steps from last night and took pictures. I suppose there was more light at this time of day than at night. On my walk, I was hoping to run into some like-minded characters in black, but figured once I thought it, it wouldn’t happen. I ate lunch in a park by the University. I walked back to the train station and hung about for a bit people watching. A goth girl walked by and I smiled. She smiled back. I saw her again about 10 minutes later and I caught up with her to say hello. She was looking for a friend that had done some speed and ran away from home. She also had to be at work in 5 minutes so we are meeting up with each other at Neu Mark at 5pm. Before she left I asked her if there were any good shops around and she pointed me in the right direction. I might buy a shirt tomorrow when I go back to one of the places to get the location of goth clubs in Koblenz.
Right now I am being pleasantly entertained by a man playing some really dark shit on an accordion. It’s quite cold out today.